Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Web 2.0

Before I get to the titular topic, it is worth checking out Marc Andreessen 's blog, which I recently stumbled upon: /http://blog.pmarca.com/. There is lots of interesting information about the Web there, and also about entrepreneur-ship in general. His recent post on personal productivity posted here is at the very least a fascinating read that might challenge some of your own views on achieving high personal productivity.

In any case, the post I wanted to highlight in this post is on Web 2.0 - and exactly what it is. The full text of the post and replies can be found here:


Here is the salient points I took from the article:

"Web 2.0" is a very fuzzy term originally used as a name for a conference on web technology. Web 2.0 isn't a new set of standards or even strictly a new set of technology. Although we might like to think of a variety of "spaces" in cyberspace - usually to categorize technology - these spaces are conceptual in nature where the reality is "market, product and company". There really isn't a "Web 2.0".

One respondent to the blog post (who helped to chair a recent Web 2.0 Expo) commented:

" - web 2.0 is about rich client-side applications (aka ajax, flash, etc)
- web 2.0 is about tagging & ratings & voting (aka Flickr, Loomia, etc)
- web 2.0 is about user participation & user-generated content (aka Digg)
- web 2.0 is about APIs, RSS, and web services (aka Amazon, Google, Yahoo, eBay, etc)
- web 2.0 is about mashups & remixing content (aka HousingMaps, ChicagoCrime, etc)
- web 2.0 is about web 2.0

anyway, while it's tough to define, and it's broad & overly fuzzy, it still is relevant.

- dave mcclure"

which sounds to me like fairly recent technological developments for the web. Web 2.0? Perhaps...

Oh, and by the way, if you don't know who Mark Andreessen is, shame on you. Look it up.


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